News sources are full of shit.

We- me AND YOU- are to blame. But I already know what (some) of my problems are. So let’s talk about you, buddy. ‘Ol Buddy ‘ol pal.

The bullshit spewing from your TV overwhelms you every day, and you just deal with it.

Almost everyone will agree its bullshit.

Why? Because every 15 seconds they’re making a huge deal out of nothing, that affects no one.

Or it affects you, but not nearly as much as they are making it seem like.

The media sensationalizes everything because the 24-hour news cycle has created an environment where everything always has to be moving.

And EVERYTHING has to be important. Most people don’t watch the news for the mundane details. They want you to tell them what happened and how it will affect them.

The fact is that most of the small things that are happening WON’T affect most people. But the news can’t tell you that because then you wouldn’t watch.

That’s the problem with the media that everyone just accepts. It is a business.

Every time the media comes under attack because someone refuses to answer a question, or cuts off a reporter who is over-talking someone- all we hear about is how the 1st Amendment is under assault and a free press is necessary for a free state.

I agree with that sentiment.

But if a profit-seeking entity owns a media company- THEIR PRIORITY IS NOT THE TRUTH.

In fact, the truth can get in the way of what they are trying to do, which is how we end up with a biased media. The left-leaning media outlets want you to believe that the right is bad. The same on the other side, but switched.

And every single thing that happens, or is said, can be twisted to make one or the other look bad. It doesn’t matter what ACTUALLY happened.

Remember this when you see ads for The Washington Post that underline the idea that “Democracy dies in Darkness”, and they are the light that will guide us all through such a hell.

It’s true- we need someone (ideally journalists who believe their service comes before their paycheck) to be a check on our elected leaders and the people they appoint. That’s a “no-shit” statement.

But you cannot simultaneously tell me you are my defense against politicians who are only interested in their own wealth and power while doing everything possible to make sure your Boss maintains his wealth and power.

I believe every journalist believes they are truly on the “good” of the “fake news” phenomenon. And like all true believers- they can’t see how anyone can think otherwise.

I’ll never forget the first time “fake news” slapped me in the face.

It was an article about Arnold Schwarzenegger during a debate when he was running for Governor of California. (“DA GUVONAH OF CALEEFORNAH”, sorry)

The reason I clicked on the article was that I’ve always been a Schwarzenegger fan, and the title said something about him wanting to assault a woman. So, I had to know more.

As I read the details of what happened, I realized that the entire thing had been intentionally twisted out of context.

The quote from Schwarzenegger (god I’m getting tired of typing that name) was “I have a role for you in my next movie.”

That’s it.

What he was OBVIOUSLY referring to was the fact that she had just stood up to him and very forcefully established her position. As he is an actor who spent a career playing “tough characters”, it’s pretty obvious what he meant. To anyone who was there, or who bothered to watch the unedited video (available, but not on the same page as the article),

The article specifically referenced a scene in Terminator 3 where Arnie (there, that’s better) slammed a female Terminator’s head into a toilet.

They said THAT was what he was referring to.

I read it a few more times, then did some more searching. There were articles all over the place saying the same kinds of things.

It didn’t matter what he meant, or even what he said.

What mattered is what that “journalist” WANTED TO WRITE ABOUT.

So, I started noticing it. More and more.

And it continues today.

The problem is, no one sees it and no one cares.

Dems laugh at Fox News viewers for being “in a bubble”. Trumpers laugh at liberals for believing the mainstream media. And in the end, neither of them is getting the full picture.

And that’s not the saddest part. Want to know what the saddest part is?

Well apparently you’re still reading, so I will assume you do.


If you’re old enough, think back to where you were on 9/11.

Did you have a cell phone? Maybe. Could you surf the internet on it? Probably on some shitty, Atari-looking browser. But not in any real way like we do now. You could use a computer and search for stuff, sure.

But now?

You- yes YOU- have access to the greatest repository of information in the history of the known universe.

Literally EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE KNOWN BY A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC can be found using a small rectangle in your pocket.

Instead, we use it to remain ignorant by seeking out things that confirm what we already choose to believe.

So. THAT’S the saddest part.

It’s a business, boys and girls.

So let’s all take a gander at some of the principles of Capitalism.

What happens when a business has a model that is not in the interests of the public good?

When people decide that giving their money (viewership/clicks = sponsors = $$$) to a business that is intentionally trying to piss them off, misinform them and keep them at each other’s throats- what should happen?

Stop buying their product. Move on. Don’t click. Don’t watch. Don’t participate in their bullshit.

In the meantime, do your own research. Watch CSPAN, or any channel that will show you a full, unedited video of someone talking or doing something.

The politicians are going to do what you vote them to do.

The media is going to do what your views/clicks finance them to do.

The power is YOURS.



So, in summary:

  • The media is a business, and cares first about money.
  • News sources slant their reporting in order to maximize viewership and maintaining a divide between the country
  • You, yes YOU, can check anything you read against EVERYTHING THAT IS KNOWN BY HUMANS.
  • We are still falling for it
  • We don’t give a fuck that we are falling for it and are cool with staying mad at the other side.
  • We can fix it, but don’t.


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